Stonehaven harbour from Bervie Brae looking north towards Cowie and Megray

Stonehaven harbour from Bervie Brae looking north towards Cowie and Megray

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  • Crowds and bands in Market Square
  • Station Road (later Arduthie Street)
  • Two children standing in the Cowie burn looking towards the sea where bathing huts can be seen, and Downie Point is in the distance.
  • Stonehaven from Cowie
  • Stonehaven harbour from Bervie Brae looking north towards Cowie and Megray
  • View from West Smiddymuir road westwardstowards Dunnottar House
  • Marion Main and the rhubarb tree in Arduthie Road
  • Dunnottar and Fetteresso Parish Councils 1930 at Viewmount
  • Soldiers on parade outside the Royal Ury Hotel in Allardice Street, later rebuilt and became the Royal Hotel.

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