Horses and carts in the High Street in the Old Town. Cheekers Well can be seen on the right.

Horses and carts in the High Street in the Old Town. Cheekers Well can be seen on the right.

Photo info


  • Soldiers on horseback at Bridge of Cowie. Looking towards Megray.
  • Women and children shelling mussels in Castle Street in the Old Town
  • Boy scouts procession with an ambulance carriage
  • Some fishermen sitting on the harbour wall, with the Tolbooth in the background.
  • Horses and carts in the High Street in the Old Town. Cheekers Well can be seen on the right.
  • An aerial view of Stonehaven looking westwards from the beach with the Tanworks in the centre foreground and the farm of Farochie in the top right, with the station beneath it.
  • A street in the Old Town
  • Line fishers on the harbour slipway with Duthie's Well in the background.
  • Kirktown of Fetteresso from the west

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