Glenury. Mineralwell cottage is in the foreground with the playing fields, distillery, viaduct and Mineralwell Croft behind.

Glenury. Mineralwell cottage is in the foreground with the playing fields, distillery, viaduct and Mineralwell Croft behind.

Photo info


  • A family standing outside the shop of John Smith, Fishmanger
  • Ramsay's Shop
  • The High Street looking towards Dunnottar Avenue
  • Military Parade in Market Square
  • Glenury. Mineralwell cottage is in the foreground with the playing fields, distillery, viaduct and Mineralwell Croft behind.
  • Stonehaven Old Toon
  • Wounded Belgian soldiers at Stonehaven
  • The harbour slipway with Old Town Steeple in the background
  • Soldiers in a parade in the Slug Road. Fetteresso Church can be seen behind the houses in the top left

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