Glenury Distillery with the viaduct and Mineralwell Croft in the background

Glenury Distillery with the viaduct and Mineralwell Croft in the background

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  • Stonehaven Market Square
  • Women at Cheeker's Well in the High Street of the Old Town
  • Postcard of Stonehaven Golf Course with Croft house behind and Cowie Kirkyard in the foreground
  • A busy day at the harbour
  • Glenury Distillery with the viaduct and Mineralwell Croft in the background
  • Family at the door of Dunnottar House
  • A man and three children outside John Morison Taylor's shop which has a bill poster for Her Majesty's Theatre in the window
  • The back of houses at Kirktown of Fetteresso facing onto the River Carron. Applegarth, Kirktown Cottage and Near Hame.
  • The harbour on a hazy day.

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