The High Street in the Old Toon

The High Street in the Old Toon

Photo info


  • Stonehaven Harbour. The Tolbooth is on the left with the sundial in front of it at the top of the harbour steps.
  • A drawing of Stonehaven from Bervie Braes in the early 1800s before the inner harbour was built. Houses extend along the coast to the Bridge of Cowie which can be seen on the right and a few houses have been built in the Square.
  • Selling fish at the harbour
  • Stonehaven Promenade
  • The High Street in the Old Toon
  • Fishwives off to work
  • Aerial photograph of Stonehaven Harbour around 1920
  • View of Fishing boats in the harbour from Downie Point
  • Fishing boats in the harbour

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