Boys standing in Allardice Street. The bonded warehouses can be seen at the end of the street.

Boys standing in Allardice Street. The bonded warehouses can be seen at the end of the street.

Photo info


  • Kirktown of Fetteresso from the west
  • A drawing looking towards the sea of the old town, harbour and Downie Point from Bervie Braes
  • A street in the Old Town
  • Allardice Street
  • Boys standing in Allardice Street. The bonded warehouses can be seen at the end of the street.
  • Stonehaven Golf Club House
  • Peace Day Celebrations in Evan Street in 1919. Mitchell's Grocer Shop is on the corner with Barclay Street.
  • Proclamation of Edward VII as King at the Mercat Cross in 1901
  • Golf House, Stonehaven

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