Postcard of Stonehaven Golf Course with Croft house behind and Cowie Kirkyard in the foreground

Postcard of Stonehaven Golf Course with Croft house behind and Cowie Kirkyard in the foreground

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  • Market Square
  • Men and boys moving barrels
  • A lady and child at the door of John Morison Taylor's shop, licensed to sell Wines, Spirits, Porters and Ale. There is a bill poster for Her Majesty's Theatre in the window
  • The crew of the Stonehaven Lifeboat "Joseph Ridgeway" on a horse drawn carriage in the Market Square
  • Postcard of Stonehaven Golf Course with Croft house behind and Cowie Kirkyard in the foreground
  • Taxis at the Market Square
  • Presentations at a bowling competition
  • Fetteresso Lodge in Bath Street (opposite the church) built for the Duthie family in the late 1800s.
  • Some fishermen sitting on the harbour wall, with the Tolbooth in the background.

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