Soldiers on horseback at Bridge of Cowie. Looking towards Megray.

Soldiers on horseback at Bridge of Cowie. Looking towards Megray.

Photo info


  • The Crown Hotel
  • Women and children shelling mussels in Castle Street in the Old Town
  • A view north along Barclay Street
  • A street in the Old Town
  • Soldiers on horseback at Bridge of Cowie. Looking towards Megray.
  • Line fishers on the harbour slipway with Duthie's Well in the background.
  • Some fishermen sitting on the harbour wall, with the Tolbooth in the background.
  • An aerial view of Stonehaven looking westwards from the beach with the Tanworks in the centre foreground and the farm of Farochie in the top right, with the station beneath it.
  • Allardice Street

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